School has started and August is almost over, and this month has been filled with babies turning 1! As I look back at last year I was over flowing with newborns, and now they are having birthdays! I don't think there's ever been a time where I've had so many having birthdays in one little time frame, I am loving seeing them as they grow up and changing from babies to toddlers, it never ceases to amaze me how fast time flies and I know that all the mommies of these babies are in full agreement with me on that! Enjoy these times because all too soon they'll be skipping off to Kindergarten and you'll be wondering where your baby went! Believe me, I know all too well how fast they grow up, maybe that's why I am so passionate about capturing them while they are little because it's such a short amount of time that we have them under our wings!
Here are just a few of the birthday babies this month! Enjoy them, they just so sweet!